Saturday, August 4, 2012

I did it. I really did it!

I can't believe it! 2 weeks, over, just like that! I have this overwhelming feeling of pride, accomplishment and lightness. lol. I'm actually looking forward to doing this again. It was mind over matter, and I mustered up enough will power to finish this. All the way to the end. I set out with a goal, and a great new juicer, and I accomplished what I set out to do, and that was to get rid of the meds, detox my body and lose weight. And I did all three. YIPPIE ME!!!!
I apologize for the sporadic blogging the last week. It has been very crazy in my family. Mom had her surgery and ended back up in the ER getting more stitches a week later cuz her drain incision wasn't healing. That was an all day affair. Not to mention therapy 5 days a week. She is doing much better, thanks for all the  prayers!  I also have been taking care of my grandparents house, inside and out for the last 6 months or so. Just very busy, mentally and physically. Although I have followed through with my goal, I failed at blogging like I wanted to every night. This was something I wanted to do for me, so I could look back and remember my triumphs and failures. Where I could do better and where I succeeded with flying colors. No matter how prepared one thinks they are for a lifestyle change, your never 100% ready. Truth! I learned a lot. And I'm ready to do it again. And I will, probably the end of winter into spring. What a great way to prepare for summer! All in all, I did well. I exercised 5-6 nights a week, and will continue to do so. I was only working with a max of 800 calories a day, so my workout only consisted of a brisk walk, usually 2 miles, a good stretch and light weight lifting. Now that I am back to chewing my food, I will continue with raw fruits, veggies and continue juicing 2-3 times a day over the next week, all I can consume in 24 hours. Which will give me more calories to work with. I started biking again, slowly working up to a 10 mile a day ride. Easy schmeezy. But it's been a good 3 years since I have done that. Give me a few weeks and I'll be back to my norm. I am so excited to look at my physical future. The changes I have made guarantee a healthy me! How cool is that!? It takes will power. It takes dedication. It takes the burning desire to really want to be healthy, not just skinny. Which I DON'T want to be! Just because your thin, does not make you healthy! Although I have never had a problem with cholesterol, blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, nor does it run in my family....THANK GOD....I can't be to overconfident I will always be ok. I have to do my part to ENSURE it! Do you know that a whole food/plant based diet has been proven to actually reverse diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer and other illness in many cases!? FACT. I won't sit here and say it works for everyone, and I won't preach health to everyone. But I know this lifestyle has made me feel unbelievable. And I love the feeling. I don't want to be embarrassed walking down the street, or in the gym, or be afraid to wear a bathing suit, or not do burlesque cuz I'm TOO much of a lady! I wan't to walk with my head held high with confidence!! And I am well on the way!
Kiersten did great too! Although she says she does't feel any "different", she is still glad she did it. So am I! She broke her fast 36 hours early, and I can't be upset with that. I am so proud she saw it through and didn't cheat. Says a lot about her. I could't tell you how much weight she lost. She didn't bother keeping track. SMH. I on the other hand.........................................................18 pounds! Yep, in 2 weeks. I needed a good start to this to carry me through. Heck, I dropped 4 pounds the first 24 hours! So was it worth it? Hell yeah it was!
With that all being said, I will not be blogging every night now. But would like to do it a few times a week. I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey to a healthier me! Thanks again for all the support! Until next post......JUICE ON!!!!!

" It comes down to a simple choice, get busy living or get busy dying."-Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption

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