Saturday, July 21, 2012


Let me start by saying...I am SO TOTALLY STOKED that so many of you are following my blog! Talk about some seriously needed motivation!!! You guys freakin RAWK! Please feel free to comment, advise, encourage, motivate below! With that being said.....ONWARD! !
Starting weight 233#.  Breakfast 2 oranges, 1 peach, 1 granny smith apple. Slightly diluted with distilled water. Juicing for 2 is gonna get expensive!  Lunch 1/2 papaya, 5 oz. pineapple, 2/3 c. of coconut milk, 1 lime, pinch fresh ground cinnamon, pinch ground nutmeg. YUM! Tastes like a pina colada! Was supposed to add guava, but forgot to get that at the store. Speaking of stores....I have recently discovered Pete's Fresh Mart in Evergreen Park. WOW! They have all the off the wall stuff that a health food junkie could ever need. Their produce is redicuously fresh, and reasonable too. I have not been doing organic, which I am in a toss up about. If your going to juice, do it fresh, do it smart and do it right! But I gotta tell I mentioned before, I am juicing for 2, and organic is SO expensive. At least for me right now. Were on a tight budget, so I figured I can still reap the benefits of juicing, 98%. Now would be a good time to mention that juicing for 2...yeah, I'm NOT preggo, but my 19 year old daughter is juicing with me! YIPPIE! It was her decision alone, in no way shape or form did I push her to get on board with this. I explained why I was doing it, whats involved, the pros and cons, "side effects", both good and bad ( days 3-5 are gonna SUCK) and she still wanted to do it. Which is great. She understands this IS NOT a diet, but rather the beginning of a lifestyle change. I only hope she sticks to it. Hey, shes 19! lol. It also gives us some really great mother/daughter time. I hesitate to use the word "bonding", cuz well, we've already been there, done that. Kiersten, my oldest, and I have always had a pretty good relationship. We have been through some rocky times, but for the most part, she has been my easy child. We talk about everything ( when shes in the mood, lol) and I consider her my best friend. Although I wont hesitate to put her in her place as my child! 
After lunch lunch  2 kiwi, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon, handful spinach, few mint leaves. Yummy, but a bit too much mint. It called for 3 leaves, I put 6, they're so tiny! :-) This recipe called for cucumber as well, I left it out. On purpose. I made my attempt at a green juice the other day and the only thing I could taste was pulpy cucumber. It took everything in me not to spew. I'm finding that I am a "texture person", and not in a good way. One thing that has helped a bit is taking the juice from the juicer and pouring in the blender with a few ice cubes, 1, to chill it a bit and 2, it tricks my mind into thinking the pulp is ice. I'm not sure if this is proper juicing etiquette  per the juicing gods, but if it helps me I see no harm. 
I've been doing 2 cup glasses of juice. I'm only 6 cups in at 230pm. I've used ALOT of produce! I have a feeling this will be a little pricier than originally thought. 
OK, last juice down for the night. This one was probably the best yet! It is supposed to be a stress tonic. One to help you relax and unwind and has plenty of protein to stabilize blood sugar. I have had alot of sugar today.... albeit healthy sugar, but sugar nonetheless. This one was roughly 15 strawberries, 1 pear, 1 red Michigan apple, 1/2 tsp. tahini, 1 tsp. fresh ground flax seed, 2 tbsp. soy yogurt, 1/3 c. vanilla soy milk. DELISH! So all in all, I consumed 8 c. juice today, roughly 2 liters. Not bad, for me. Goal is 2-3 liters a day, plus 64oz of water a day. I fell short by a long shot on that! I had a period of a few hours after lunch that I felt hungry, I was also outdoors all day, cutting the grass, yard work, etc. Even with regular food I'd be hungry. But...not one single sign of a headache today, a miracle if I say so myself. I normally have a headache at some point in the day, every single day for the last 20 years. My focus was good, I didn't have a single craving for anything, and I had enough energy to get me through the day without a problem! Uhm, aside from the 30 minute catnap. Again, pretty normal for me. I even managed to squeeze in a 2 mile walk this evening. Gotta say, I feel pretty dang successful! So we are off to a good start. Tomorrow is another day, and I am CONVINCED it will be better than today! Until then....JUICE ON! 

"Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favour compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life."
- T. A. Edison

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