Sunday, July 22, 2012


Day 2 down and in the books! I'm surprised, I feel really, really good. No withdrawal symptoms yet. I have a confession to make....I have not given up my coffee. Now before you bust my chops, let me say that I have cut back. Way back. I am now down to a small cream and sugar in the a.m. and occasionally the same in the evening (down from 2 medium french vanilla with extra cream and extra sugar, and previously from 2 large french vanillas 8 cream, 8 sugar!!). I have done my research and the census is split when it comes to juicing and caffeine. Many say that if you are "addicted" to coffee, a juice fast is not the time to stop being that there is already a tremendous amount of change going on in the body. They recommend trying to wean yourself slowly. Which is what I am doing. So cut me a little slack! 
Last night I was so full of energy that I couldn't fall asleep. It was crazy. Crawled into bed about 11:30 (trying to work on bedding down a bit earlier, and get myself on an actual normal sleep pattern). The last time I looked at the clock it was 03:30 as in A.M! UGH! But woke up feeling fine. 
Today had its moments. I started my morning with a little bit of stretching by my pond, followed by my a.m coffee. Stifle it, people!  It was wonderful. To hear the birds chirping, the waterfall piddling and the feel of the warm sun on my shoulders. Ahhhhh......
 I finally decided I should go all in and try this phenomenal "mean green" juice that all juicers RAVE about. So I had a recipe that came recommended. (Remind me to punch the person that recommended it later) OK, 6 kale leaves, 1/2 cucumber, 1 granny smith apple, 4 stalks of celery, and 1/2 lemon. Kiersten chugged it down like a champ! Now granted she held her nose while chugging, but nonetheless, got it down. Boy was she pissed at me! LOL! Me on the other hand, I didn't fare so well. It took me about 15 minutes of staring at it, contemplating my fate should I give in and drink it. Bad move. NEVER think about what your drinking! It is a mind trick, and it will get me every time. So I finally did it. Held my nose and slugged was only 2 cups worth. Annnnd, it didn't stay down. I will never drink that sludge ever again. Ever. I don't care how tremendous the benefits are. I gotta say, the energy i got about 20 minutes after and the clarity of mind that set in was, well, pretty cool. Not worth it though. HAHAHA! 
So my breakfast today was honeyed figs. Pretty sweet and yummy. 3 fresh figs, 2 apples. pinch of vanilla greek yogurt, cinnamon, manuka honey and fresh ground almonds. A bit of a complex is starting to set in. By adding soy, occasional yogurt, and ground up nuts/seeds, is it still considered juicing!? The whole point is to flush the system and give the GI tract a rest. So am I doing that? I dunno, but its damn good! Also had a blueberry and acai berry juice. Pretty nifty. blueberries, raspberries, pomegranate. So after all is said and done, 2 liters of juice today (same as yesterday) and again, not enough water. UGH! I will learn. I'm on a little bit of a leaning curve. 
I was surprised to see that in 24 hours I dropped 7 lbs. I couldn't believe it, so I checked on 3 different scales. Now granted, its probably 7 lbs of water weight, but its a start. I feel lighter. I feel focused. I feel proud. To me this is a huge undertaking, especially when 1 year ago I thought juicing only meant steroids. I never paid any attention. I didn't care to learn. Wasn't my "thing".  
Happy to hear hot tea is also in my "diet". Gotta thank St. Xavier for the TAZO teas. Even though it cost us $2.50 for 1 individual teabag (that's a story for after my adventure!) Anyway, tonight I am enjoying "calm"...chamomile, rose petals, hibiscus, spearmint, lemongrass, peppermint, sarsaparilla root, lemon balm leaf, licorice root. Lots of good stuff, and a nice warm change to the cold juices! 
With that being said, off to bed I go. Well, at least try. Ya'll enjoy your evening, til next time....JUICE ON! 

"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art."
- La Rochefoucauld

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