Friday, July 27, 2012

This week is OVA!

First and foremost, my mom had her surgery and is still in the hospital recovering. The surgery went well. Dr. said her knee was extremely inflamed and highly unstable. He also said he fixed it "perfectly". I did not go to see her today, she needs her rest and was busy with therapy. My uncle did go to see her today, just a quick hello and told me her pain is off the chart and she is very nauseous. They had her on morphine via PCA, but switched her to dilaudid PO. She is due to come home tomorrow evening...I will be staying with her for a few weeks. So keep the prayers coming, she has a long road to recovery.
Welp, I did it. Week one is in the record books! I gotta say, it wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. Was I hungry? A little. When I was, it was my own fault for not drinking more juice and water. Was I cranky? Only on day 5, as you all read. Did I have any energy? Ungodly amounts! At times. The first 3 days were the hardest. Sluggish, unmotivated. Cravings? Yup. Still do. But they are def. diminishing day by day. I have to admit, I was on a bigger learning curve than I thought. I had done so much research, I thought I was totally ready for this! HA! But ya know what? I am so glad I embarked on this journey! If nothing else, it proved to me that I can accomplish ANYTHING when I want it bad enough and put my mind to it. This is more of a mental hurdle than anything else. I still cant get the greens down. LOL. I have asked so many people how they do it. I've gotten responses that range from "its an acquired taste", "it takes time to ease yourself into that" to "ya just gotta choke it down". So I cheated. I went to Jamba Juice and got a green juice! Berry Upbeet. Strawberries, blueberries, kale, apple, celery, green bell pepper, spinach, beets. It was fantastic! Of course they have top of the line blenders and some secret squirrel stuff they do to make it taste yummy, but that was, and will continue to be, my green juice for the remainder of this fast! Breakfast was simple grapefruit juice, 4 cups of it! Was off and running early this a.m. so didn't have time to chop n dice n slice. Dinner was strawberry and minneola juice tossed in the blender with whey, almond, oatmeal, soy milk, banana. More of a breakfast smoothie, but I had a taste for it. After dinner "juice" was my soup. OHHHH my soup!!! This stuff was so amazing I made another batch! Celery, carrot, spinach, tomato, parsley, garlic, leek. That's it. Throw it in the blender after it simmered for 2 hours and done. So fab. that I will continue to make this as a treat for myself when I come off the fast. I have been trying to incorporate new fruits and veggies every time I go shopping. Just one or two. Today I got starfruit and lychees. Anxious to try. Speaking of shopping.....grand total for one week of juicing? $120. And that is just doing the minimum 3 liters of juice a day. Imagine if I had juiced EVERY time I was hungry or bored or thirsty?! Easily $200. Now I will be the first to admit, there were many things I have guessed on as far as the fast goes. I am not a puritan juicer! I have used soy and greek yogurt in my smoothies. Hell, I have made smoothies instead of pure juice. I have juiced mostly fruit, and I am drinking tap water *GASP* instead of distilled water!  But guess what?! Total weight loss for the week? 11 lbs. :-) I feel pretty damn good! AND.....the 20mgs of Prednisone? Yep, not any more. Down to 5mgs. and will be off by next week, I hope. No headahes, no aches and pains..... I must be doing something right!
I am listening to my body. When it is tired, I sleep. When it is hungry, I drink. Thirsty, drink. Spun up seven ways to Sunday, blog. :-)
My goal for this upcoming week is to FORCE the water and pay more attention to bedtime. I haven't been getting to bed before midnight. Partly because I have so much dang energy! Even after my 2 mile walk. I lie in bed, tossing and turning. It's crazy. They say around day 10, the body will experience a constant "runners high" for the remainder of the fast. This should be interesting! Are they trying to tell me Ill have MORE energy?!
So in celebration of a successful 1st week, I will be treating myself to a pedicure and a warm shower! I have been taking ice cold showers all week as a way to hold my attention. To force me to focus and think about the day ahead and what I need to do to live healthy. I have done some of my best thinking in the shower! But tonight, a warm shower and early bed. Thank you guys for the constant motivation. I couldn't do this without you! With that being said.....JUICE ON!!!!

 One should eat to live, not live to eat" -Benjamin Franklin

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