Monday, July 23, 2012


Back for more, eh?! :-0  AWESOME! :-) I cant tell you guys how much your support means to me!  Well here it is the end of day 3, and I'm not feeling any of the horrid withdrawal symptoms I've been warned about. Maybe its the coffee? Maybe I'm doing this wrong!? I have been including a lot of "smoothie" type concoctions, which I'm not sure if those kick your GI into "go time"? I have also started to include TAZO teas into my day. 1 or 2. Just to give my palate a change and my mouth some "warmth". Cold juice all day is yummy, but, well....cold. Just need to change it up. I am also looking into if Gerson therapy is acceptable during a juice fast?
I slept pretty soundly last night except for getting up to pee at 4am. I suppose that is to be expected. lol.  Today was strange mentally, physically. I felt great, no headache, mild aches n pains, and I had a TON of stuff on my "to do" list. I figured I would hang out at home since it was 100* outside. I started housework and phone calls, emails and within an hour or so, I mentally powered down. Instantly. So I figured I would catch a 30 minute cat nap. I even set my alarm. And slept right through it. ARRRGH! 2 hours later I wake up feeling like flippin Super woman! Now it is 10pm and I am WIDE awake. It's going to be a LONG night! I have to learn some sense of schedule and how my body reacts. Timing my evening coffee early enough that it doesn't keep me up all night, get to bed at a decent time, schedule my juice and water cut off time so THAT doesn't keep me peeing all night. Yep, learning curve. Thank you EMS.
It was also a difficult craving day for me. Thank you 95th St. and Cicero Ave. My senses are definitely  heightened to crappy food. I smell it and it makes me ill. But to taste is something different. To sink my teeth into a juicy cheeseburger or a Portillos beef sandwich...sheer HEAVEN. But honestly, I don't want to. I just remind myself what that food has done to my body over the years and I'm good. At least for another 50 feet before there is another fast food restaurant. I can see why America has an obesity epidemic. I now find myself looking at overweight people in a different light, especially when the answer to obesity is SO friggin simple! Whole foods, plant based diet. Done. The crap these companies put in processed foods is an addiction. Just like caffeine, nicotine, OTC and street drugs. It IS hard to stop. But once you make the decision to be healthy, it becomes a lifestyle. Just like junk food was a lifestyle.
 Breakfast- pineapple, strawberries, mango, vanilla soy milk, fresh ground flax seed.
Lunch- apples, black seedless grapes, peach, mint leaves over sparkling water. I added Tahini to this as well. Remind me not to do that again. For those of you that are not familiar with Tahini, it is a liquid sesame seed paste. Middle Eastern origin and comes in oil or powder form as well. It is good, however, my daughter says it tastes like liquid peanut butter. Not good in this last juice. lol.
Speaking of my daughter....this has been tough on her. She works at Subway Sandwiches and the cravings are a plenty for her! I noticed today she was cranky, short and just looked tired. I told her she didn't have to keep doing this. Her reply? "I am doing this to make it easier on you". WOW! Not sure how to respond to that. I am proud that she would give this much of herself to help me out, and that is just the way she has always been. A giving, caring, honest, sweet girl. But to go through something this rigorous and demanding for someone else? She is 5'10 130lbs. She doesn't need to lose the weight, nor does she think so. I think she is in it simply for the detox aspect. I told her to stop, and wean back to food. She got VERY upset with me. I cant influence her decision, all I can do is make sure she benefits from this and comes out a healthier woman.
Dinner was orange, pineapple, carrot. Very sweet!
I fell short of the juice today by about 2 cups. Only got about 1 1/2 liters in. I just wasn't "hungry". I blame the heat. I did however, do a little better with my water. I've come to the conclusion I hate water! Got 64ozs in today. I feel good about that. I also have lost a few more pounds. I can't wait til the end of the week when I disclose the weeks total! I know it will be significant. Water weight or not!
I also got my walk in. 2 miles @ 133 calories. Little disappointed. That's a long walk, and to only burn 133 calories?! What a rip off! lol. But I guess since I have cut my calorie intake by 3/4 of my norm., I guess 133 calories is pretty significant! So yippie me! Still gotta work on getting more veggies in these juices. Don't get me wrong...I love me some veggies! ALL veggies. When their cooked. Or even raw. But my mental hurdle is with juicing them. *sigh*. I WILL overcome!
A few people have asked me if there is any spiritual reasons behind this fast. Honestly....I'm not sure. I don't consider myself a spiritual person, though I was raised in a strict Catholic home. But truly, when you are eating God's bounty, how can there NOT be a spiritual aspect to it? I mean think about it...what did Even offer Adam in the Garden of Eden? An apple. Now I can go on, but I know some of you may get upset and disagree. That's fine. You are entitled to treat your body as you wish. And am I. I will save this fight for my severe withdrawal day. :-) Until then.....JUICE ON!

He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well.  ~English Proverb


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are one of the strongest ladies I know! You can accomplish anything you put your mind to! xoxo

  3. Thank you Kath. It means a lot to hear that! I needed that!
