Sunday, July 29, 2012

DAY 9!

I can't believe how far I have really come! I never in a million years thought I would have the will power to pull off a juice fast. I really thought, especially the last year, that I would always be "fat, sick and nearly dead". Either that, or the next in line for lap band or bariatric surgery. Well guess what peeps?! Not this girl! Not any more. I have made the decision to better myself naturally. To change my lifestyle drastically. And it's working. I never want to be in this place again. I am better than bad, over processed, fattening and/or fried food. I am bigger than my vices. I will succeed and live to be healthy. I am thankful for another chance. I am blessed with awesome friends and family who support me in my crazy endeavors. I am also thankful for the people who call me crazy, laugh, and say it can't be done. THEY are my motivation to push on. To be able to give them that shit eating grin while saying "I did it, bitches". To pull ahead healthier, stronger, both mentally and physically, leaving them scratching their head wondering what just happened. I live for that stuff.
I apologize for being so intermittent with my posts the last few days. I have had my hands full with my mom. She's home and really can't do much on her own. Yet. She is doing much better than I expected and I am super proud of her. :-) 
Yesterday was pretty uneventful as far as juicing goes. Got my 2 1/2 liters, not enough water and a 5 mile walk in. Yip, 5 miles. My knees are paying for it today. Overdid it just a little. lol. But I feel good about doing it. I feel energized and rejuvenated after. 2 months ago I didn't have the desire to even walk around the block. So I have come a long way, with a long way to go. But I feel like I am on a great path and need to stay focused. Today got 3 liters of juice in, most of my water ( forgot to keep track today. Oops)  and a light walk. Only a mile. Knee is still swollen from last night. But I got up and got moving,  and that's the main thing.
 Came up with some yummy concoctions today. For breakfast just did strawberries, mineolas and soy. Juice 2 was cucumber, carrot, sweet potato and apple. Actually very good and sweet! "Juice" 3 and 4 was my Hippocrates soup. Love that stuff! Juice 5 was blackberries, raspberries and pineapple. MMMMMM!!!!!! Super delish!  So I did well today. Although I am waiting, patiently, for this "runners high" everyone speaks of while doing a juice detox. I am expecting it any day now! I have just been kind of in a limbo so to speak. I have days that I feel I can run a 24 hour marathon, my mind remains sharp, yet my body doesn't feel like keeping up. It's weird. I don't know if it's because my body is only taking in 1/4 of the calories it is used to, if it's an excuse or what. But, I am going to leave it be, let my body do what it needs to do and get on with it. Can't say I'm stoked about all the breakouts and blemishes though. I was warned!  
On a side note, It's been a long, busy day. Time for my cold shower and a comfy bed. Til tomorrow.......JUICE ON!!

“I am a better person when I have less on my plate.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert

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