Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I know this post is a little early in the evening, but tomorrow my mom is having surgery at Weiss Hospital and I have to be up at 4am to go with her. Sooooo........I wanted to get this done before my walk tonight so that when I get home I can hop a shower and head to bed!
Thank you guys for all of your encouragement here and on FB. Yesterday was a BAD day. I am not sure how I survived it, or how anyone else survived me for that matter! UGH. Its was brutal. None of which I was not expecting, I just wasn't as mentally prepared as I thought for it. Woke up with a pounding headache that stayed all day. Failed on juice. Failed on water. Failed on walk. Talk about a wash! But, in typical Flaws fashion, when I am knocked down, I get back up with vengeance. Which I did today and kicked some serious juice ass!!! :-) Not only did I meet my 2 liters of juice, I EXCEEDED my 64ozs. of water! As this is only as of 7pm! GO ME!! I woke up good and pissed off at myself for my temper tantrum yesterday and promised I would make up for it today. I am promising myself a 2 mile walk as well. After the way I rocked today, that should be NO problem! I may even do 3! I felt absolutely wonderful today! No headaches, no aches or pains, no stiffness. A miracle, right?! I fell like I'm 25 years old again! (I won't even dare push it to 21, lol) Josh and I worked in the yard all day, and other than having to pee every 15 minutes, working in the heat and high humidity did wonders for my stiffness.
I kept my juice primarily simple today. Nothing fancy or unusual. For breakfast I juice a mess of strawberries and added the juice to the blender with a banana, soy milk and ground steel cut oatmeal. Very delish and very filling. A "hearty" smoothie to start my day. For lunch I had blueberries, kiwi, black grapes, apple, BIG handful of spinach and mint leaves. It turned out the color of stagnant pond water, but was very mild in flavor and good. Dinner was pink grapefruit, oranges, carrot over sparkling water. YUM! My last juice for the day really isn't a juice but broth. It is called Hippocrates soup. Basically a bunch of veggies cooked, thrown in the blender to puree and returned to the flavorful broth and sipped. Old people food. Or people with cancer, it is known as Gerson Therapy. Cooking as we speak, can't wait til it's done! Making extra so it lasts a few days. It smells UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
So I'm back from my walk. I did manage to meet what I did yesterday, and exceed by 2 blocks! *bootie shake*, even got another 2 bottles of water in.
On that note, it's time for a cold shower and bed. Long day tomorrow. Oh, and since you guys have shown ME so much support, would you mind saying a little prayer for my mom? She is just having her knee replaced, but she is in for a long road of recovery because of her underlying psoriatic arthritis, spinal stenosis, plantar faciatis, plantar and heel spurs! She has been a mail carrier for 28? years and her body is beat up. She said when she recovered from her knee surgery, she would be willing to try a juice fast with me!!! I think we'll go easy on her and start her off with a weekend fast.  :-) I will be juicing all my stuff for tomorrow, tonight and bringing in in a cooler. I will probably be spending the night at the hospital with her, so I may or may not get a change to post tomorrow. If I don't, rest assured I will be back Friday...full steam ahead! Until then......JUICE ON!!!!!

 Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.- Hippocrates

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